
Benefits of a workplace strategy

Benefits of a workplace strategy

A workplace strategy provides clients with the tools needed to make informed decisions about their new workspace. Understanding your business and employee needs can determine whether you’re able to redesign in an existing office, or find a new, more suitable space, while tailoring the design to best suit your work habits, culture and business goals.

Factors to consider when undertaking a workplace strategy 


Your office culture encompasses your organisation’s values, personality, traditions, behaviours, and attitudes. A strong and positive culture is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent, increasing employee engagement and satisfaction, and improving overall performance. By understanding your culture, a workplace consultant can enhance its best aspects through the design and minimise any shortcomings.

Workplace Habits

Employees are the most valuable asset of a business, and an office design must be people-centric to produce maximum ROI. By conducting a workplace strategy that directly gathers evidence from employees, it can be determined what works best for them and align the design with their work habits.

Business Goals

Workplace design can contribute to achieving business goals, whether it’s fostering better collaboration, promoting innovation, or prioritising employee health and wellness. An office design can be strategically aligned to support these objectives.

Tangible designs that captures the essence of your business

The workplace strategy process

Strategy Session and Employee Insights

During this session the workplace design team works closely with senior leaders to gather information about the business including the client and staff experience and company culture to establish a vision for the project. Employee surveys are also undertaken to understand their needs, habits, and preferences, ensuring a unique, custom solution tailored to your business rather than just following trends.

Workplace Audit

A thorough workplace audit is then conducted, considering employee accommodation, building amenities, meeting spaces, storage, IT, current workflows, and areas for improvement. This data, combined with design expertise, informs solutions for the new fit-out, and assists in determining suitable space opportunities.


The next step is to assess the current buildings suitability as well as proposed sites to understand compatibility. Initial layout planning will be undertaken by combining the space analysis survey findings with the client’s’ requirements to determine the most appropriate course of action moving forward.

Undertaking a workplace strategy ensures that your next office fit-out sees your vision transformed into a tangible design that captures the essence of your business and embodies your culture, goals and workplace habits for a refreshing work environment.