
Incorporating biophilic design to boost employee productivity

Incorporating biophilic design to boost employee productivity

Imagine walking into your office on a typical Monday morning. You’re already feeling drained after a busy weekend. You’ve had a long and frustrating commute and you’re already groaning inwardly at the amount of work you’ve got to get through this week.

As you step inside the office, the dull fluorescent lights flicker overhead, and the stark, grey cubicles seem to stretch endlessly across the floor space. You pass by rows of desks where one person after another sits slouched over their keyboard, staring at the screen with a face that already looks tired. The air feels heavy, almost lifeless. It’s just another day in the sterile, soulless corporate grind with nothing to lift your spirits.

Does it have to be like this?

No, it doesn’t. Arriving at the office could actually feel like entering a refreshing, re-energising place that stimulates your creativity.

That’s where biophilic design comes in.


What is biophilic design?

For most of human history, we’ve lived surrounded by the natural environment. Today’s urban jungles are relatively new and we’re not well adapted to them. Biophilic design incorporates aspects of the natural world into our built environment. It connects to the senses, giving us something refreshing to see, smell and touch. These spaces foster a connection to nature, which soothes and stimulates the senses, and can increase productivity.

Elements of biophilic design may include:

  • Water features
  • Natural light and space
  • Plants and greenery
  • Natural shapes and forms in preference to right angles and straight lines.


A day in the life of a biophilic office

It’s Monday morning again, but this time, you step into a completely different environment. As you enter the office building, you’re greeted by a sunlit atrium filled with lush greenery. The air is fresh, infused with the subtle scent of jasmine from the nearby potted plants. A gentle cascade of water flows from a fountain, creating a soothing backdrop.

Your steps quicken as you walk towards your workstation. Natural sunlight streams in through floor-to-ceiling windows, which give you a view of blue sky. Your desk is positioned near a living wall – an arrangement of vibrant, leafy plants that climb up a section of the wall, which adds a splash of colour and life to your space.

As you settle in, you take a deep breath, feeling a surprising sense of vitality. Looking around, you see your colleagues share your mood – they’re engaged, energetic, and smiling. There’s a palpable sense of positivity and collaboration in the air. People clearly like being here.

Workplaces that incorporate biophilic design

What does the research say about biophilic design and workplace productivity?

According to the Human Spaces report, workers in environments that feature natural elements like greenery and sunlight:

  • Are 15% more creative
  • Are 6% more productive
  • Report 15% higher level of well-being than those working in environments devoid of nature.


Those are significant gains for any employer.


How can we help?

Biophilic design is not something to consider at the end of a project. It should be woven in from the beginning, influencing all aspects of design and construction.

At Growth Workplace Design, we specialise in creating biophilic workplaces that promote well-being and encourage your staff to be present and productive. This is a crucial element of your office space.

If you’re considering what’s next for your offices, we’d love to help you. Please contact us to discuss your space.